Sigma Documentation

Rocket powered machine learning. Create, compare, adapt, improve - neural networks at the speed of thought.

The following libraries / frameworks are used in the core project:

Library Purpose
log4net Logging (log4j for .NET)
NUnit Unit testing
DiffSharp, Sigma.DiffSharp Functional automatic differentiation with ndarrays and various backends
SharpZipLib Compression and decompression of various formats (zip, tar, gz, bzip, gzip)
ManagedCuda, ManagedCuda-CUBLAS Managed CUDA (GPU) and CuBLAS support

The following libraries / frameworks are used in the WPF visualiser:

Library Purpose
Dragablz Tearable tab control for WPF, which includes docking, tool windows
LiveCharts, LiveCharts.Wpf Charting, graphing, advanced data, plotting
MahApps.Metro, MahApps.Metro.Resources Toolkit for creating metro-style WPF applications
MaterialDesignColors, MaterialDesignThemes, MaterialDesignThemes.MahApps Material design for WPF/MahApps